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SATA Hard Drive Recovery Reversed Cable Causes Smoke

When connecting a SATA drive, you might think that the interface is pretty straight forward, but you would be amazed at how many damaged hard drives we get in due to reveresed power cables.

The video below shows the result of two very bad things that happened to a SATA hard drive. First off the connector was put in upside down, but then it was taken out and put in the right way. Both times, the chips on the PCB board got fried.

3 Responses to “SATA Hard Drive Recovery Reversed Cable Causes Smoke”

  1. Wallie August 8, 2010 10:58 am #

    Even though I’ve used AVG with no issues for years, My PC was overrun with viruses one day – system restore corrupt, disk clean up corrupt, etc, etc, nothing but ads for antivirus software popping up and I couldn’t even connect to those to buy their software. I removed the drive to run it as a remove drive on another PC so that I could run anti-virus on it in hopes that it would function again as an OS drive in the PC. I didn’t notice the 1234 sequence and connected the power cable in reverse, and just as in your video – smoke. I assume the drive/data still works if I can replace the bits that burned up and reconnect correctly? Can I replace the circuit board from an identical drive? or the burned electronic “chips”? What do you change to put the data files from this drive onto a few DVD discs (if that’s the kind of business you’re in)? Thanks for what you can tell me.

  2. john moody March 4, 2014 3:33 pm #

    i did this same thing exactly with about 4 harddrives now both sata and ide. im curious if you got a reply to wether the hardrives are gone or if the data can be revovered some how ? i appreciate any information you can give me, thank you

    • Jacqui Best March 7, 2014 11:27 am #

      This is something that should be recoverable. You would need help with matching the PCB and making sure you don’t do further internal damage to the hard disk. I would recommend calling in to talk with a technician so they can give you the steps to ensure the data is protected. 727-345-9665 there is no charge to get advice.

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