A few weeks back I got a call from a woman who had lost the partition on her hard drive; she had all of the photos of her kids on that drive and was slightly hysterical about it. I had her download DART XP and run it on the drive; it found the partition and then showed her a full directory structure. This was great now she can get the pictures of her children back. I tell her just click the purchase button and put in your credit card information and you can then copy your files off. She asks me how much is the software and I tell her $99.00, she starts to cry. She explains that she doesn’t have the funds to justify spending a hundred dollars to save her personal photos. I was moved by that, because she was completely honest, so I asked if fifty bucks would be more attainable, she agreed that although it would still make her in a pinch that she could swing it. So I charged her card 50 dollars and then sent her a code for the software. It occurred to me though, that many of our customers may be suffering from this same problem and that during these times we might want to help out with a price reduction on our data recovery software. I spoke with my boss and he agreed that a drop in price for the time being would a huge help to our customers, so that they will be able to still retrieve their personal data. We hope this helps in some small way and if you need help using the data recovery software as always you can reach me at 727-345-9665 ext 236.
Dear Sir, if this is allright, I have a Seagate drive (120G.) with XP and WIN98. I got the dreaded blue screen with a “corrupted hal.dll” error message while using the XP partition . Paragon software shows an ‘unformatted’ partition . I tried using the ‘recovery console’ from the CD and the bootcfg /list command showed nothing, and I could not copy the file. Seagate ‘Seatools’ showed a bad BMB sector.
I would like to either take off some of the important files/directories or recover the whole partition, do you have software to do this ?
Thank you Mike Buckingham