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Birmingham Data Recovery


DTI Birmingham Data Recovery, free evaluation, no data, no charge, and free FedEx shipping.

If you are reading this page we understand you are looking for a data recovery company in your area, Birmingham, AL. However, it is not very likely that a full clean-room data recovery company will be found in Birmingham. If your hard drive repair includes drives with a clicking sound or bad heads, dropped external hard drives and the like. You will need a hard drive recovery company that has a clean-room.  Clean-rooms, parts, technicians, and labs are very expensive to maintain.  So, if you are searching for hard drive repair near me, data recovery near me, etc, most will be virtual office drop-off locations.  Similarly,  If you search “Birmingham, AL data recovery services” you will find many drop-off locations for out-of-state data recovery companies.

We do provide free over the phone evaluations with a technician. Feel free to call us for your free hard drive recovery consultation.  Our data recovery engineers can often make accurate assessments based on manufacturer, model and fault. You can call and speak directly with a technician to discuss your needs.

We offer free shipping for our data recovery services. You can use our get started page to have a free FedEx shipping label sent to you.

Ready to get started with your recovery?

About us:

We are authorized by drive manufacturers’ to open and work on their hard drives. In order to keep your warranty in tact you should consider calling us to arrange shipping. We provide free shipping to our data recovery lab.

We would only like a chance to tell you about our services and hopefully help you through your data loss. We have many different services to offer our customers. Including but not limited to Remote Recovery, Raid Recovery, hard drive recovery, SSD Recovery, and Non-Invasive Recovery, and file system recovery. In some cases remote data recovery is possible. Remote data recovery candidates would have logical or non-mechanical failures. Give us a call.

Ransomware – we can recover data from backup storage devices that have been sabotaged.  Often ransomware attacks encrypt primary storage and delete, format, or remove the configuration from RAID servers, NAS storage, and Windows backups.

Most of our data recovery customers live in a state where there is no clean room, but with FedEx, UPS and the USPS we are only a day away.

Be sure to check that your local Alabama Data Recovery Company actually performs the hard drive repair on site. Most companies only have one lab location, or send it to a data recovery company like us.

Please if you have any questions at all about your hard drive, or how data recovery works with our company please feel free to call us directly. We always have a technician on hand to help you with your data loss needs.
Toll Free: 1-866-438-6932
Direct: 1-727-345-9665

Birmingham, Alabama Hard Drive Data Recovery AL

Birmingham is a city rich in culture and history. When the area was ravished with hurricanes DTI Data Recovery provided an exceptional roll in helping locals recover their data.
