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Do It Yourself Home Cloud Server

WD Home Cloud ServerHome cloud server have become a significant player in the world of offline storage. With some of the companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon it has become commonplace for almost anyone to have their own little piece of the cloud. With that being said, there are normally size limitations with free cloud usage and if you have a large data footprint it becomes problematic to find free cloud storage on the net that meets your needs. There are those that would opt out for a monthly fee, however that could run into hundreds of dollars every year. There is a solution that one can employ for around $200.00 that is simple and easy to use and can offer you plenty of storage.

The Western Digital My Cloud offers an inexpensive answer to cloud data access. For as little as $200.00 you can not only purchase a 1TB cloud device but through a few simple steps configure your home cloud server to give you data access to any device you may have including your laptop, tablet, or smart phone. The following is a brief explanation of how it all works.

  1. After unpacking your new cloud device simply plug it into your router and ensure that any ports used by the router are open for data transfer.
  2. Using the web interface add yourself as a user to the cloud so that you will have access to all the data on the cloud.
  3. Set up the small client on your computer that allows you to mount the device as a drive letter, or shared device depending upon the operating system version and manufacturer.

In those simple three steps you have configured your home cloud server and given yourself access from virtually any device that you own, or anyone you want to share your data with.

With all that being said there is a down side to having your own cloud. All data access is at the mercy of your internet providers upload and download speed. With the transfer of large amounts of data it can become a situation where you are waiting for data to transfer, especially streaming video or large picture files. In order to help ensure a clean and fast download speed talk to your provider and see if your current internet package can offer internet speeds that will allow satisfactory access.


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