Hard drive repair near me in St Petersburg, FL.DTI DATA Recovery headquarters is located right here in St. Pete, FL. We operate an ISO class 100 clean-room on premise. It may come as a surprise while searching for a hard drive repair, data recovery, or hard drive recovery service, that most of the companies that […]
External USB Hard Drive Recovery
USB drives have been around for several years now and because of that fact data, has been compiled that reflects the type of files a USB drive will store. In addition, I apply my experience, to the types of damage that a USB enclosure will sustain. The following is a method for not only helping […]
Knocked External Hard Drive Off Desk – Fell To The Floor
One of the most common calls we get is when someone has knocked their external hard drive off of their desk or counter. I have heard cats knocking the hard drives off, kids and users tripping over external hard drive cables. If an external hard drive falls 3 to 5 feet there is a good […]