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Exchange Server Recovery


DTI Data Recovery Supports ALL Versions of Microsoft Exchange Server!

Make a copy of your priv.edb and log files (Exchange 5.5) or priv1.edb and stream files (Exchange 2000 or 2003) and pub.edb! We can recover your email if you make copies prior to running utilities. DO NOT run MS utilities!!!

Microsoft Exchange Servers have become popular with many businesses because of their expansive communication and planning features. When an Exchange Server goes down, the effects on a company can be dramatic. Suddenly, all email communications cease, meeting schedules become inaccessible and client lists are lost. This is a scenario which requires fast action and a quick return to regular services, with our Exchange Server recovery services, we can help.

DTI Data can help you get your Exchange Server back online immediately, and get your company up and running again. Our Exchange data recovery engineers have years of experience repairing Exchange Server databases, including damaged Priv.edb and pub.edb files. Using proprietary tools, we also can recover damaged mailboxes from IS database files (usually resulting from “Jet Engine Errors”, repair database corruption or “Read Verification Error” issues. We encourage you to contact us, especially if another company has informed you that your mailboxes cannot be recovered.

If you are here, then something went wrong with your Exchange Server disaster recovery plan.

Exchange File Recovery Warning

We offer the ability to recover mailboxes straight from log files, even if your exchange .edb or .stm files are missing or corrupt; but, we must stress that if your Exchange Server database will not load, you must NOT attempt to use utility programs such  as Eseutil or Isinteg to restore your data. These programs can delete valuable data and can eliminate valuable log file data which could normally be used to rebuild the database. Contact us first you do anything, we can save you time and money.

Microsoft Jet Database Error Warning

If your database is corrupted heavily, it is likely jet errors will occur. In most cases, Jet errors are not repairable. The most common error our customers usually see is: JET_errRecordNotFound, which is never recoverable using the eseutil.exe program. In fact, in many cases where this error appears, running eseutil will result in additional lost time and data. Another problem are 1003 0xFFFFFC15 JET_errInvalidParameter Invalid API parameter 4294966293 error codes.Also, watch for “JET_errKeyDuplicate Illegal duplicate key”, which is another common jet error message that occurs due to database corruption. This also typically cannot be restored with eseutil.Finally, other important errors to watch for are ESE97 Error Codes:
JET_errReadVerifyFailure Read verification error 4294966278, which can typically be the symptom one or two of four main issues. The first, that your hard drive has sector errors. The second being that some information may have been written incorrectly into the database file, which is often caused by third party software. The third being that pages in the database file are corrupt, with the fourth being that the Exchange Server Jet Engine is corrupt.DTI Data Recovery repairs and recovers Exchange Server databases that have experienced many different errors and problems. Some of these issues include:

* Physical hard drive failure
* Jet Errors
* Controller card malfunctions or failure
* Drive sector errors within the main Exchange files
* Improper shutdowns such as power failures (which can corrupt files and data)
* Email deletion, whether accidental or not
* Viral attack and Exchange
* Exchange program failure or boot problems
* Partition table issues
* Human error
* File size errors

Things To Watch For:
When you have an Exchange Server problem, there are certain things you should watch out for, and be careful of doing. First, you may want to use the Eseutil program, which can frequently fix errors in the Exchange database. Be careful during this process, as improper overwrites of the data can occur. As well, it is best to not reinstall Exchange until you have made proper backups of the .edb files. And, ensure you have also backed up these files if you attempt to restore from an older .edb file. These steps will ensure that your Exchange files are not damaged beyond repair.
