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Recover It All Now

Recover It All Now


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Recover It All Key Features:

  • Window based Data recovery tool
  • Innovative recovery engine for more complete data sets
  • Write Safeguard to protect recovered data
  • Read Safeguard to help belay further hardware damage
  • Intuitive interface
  • Scan and Validate forensic system recovery
  • Low pricing to scale for all users
  • 24/7 technical support staff for difficult recoveries

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Recover It All Now – Documentation – Download



Recover It All Now Ver. 1.0 is a comprehensive data recovery tool that offers a fast and easy solution to catastrophic data loss.

RIA Now is a Windows based software tool designed for the recovery of data lost through deletion, file system corruption, or slight noninvasive hardware anomalies. It brings a high end recovery engine to the fingertips of the average end user.

RIA Now runs in a Windows XP, 7, and 8 environments and will address any physical device connected to the computer. It is advisable to not install RIA Now on the hard drive that you are trying to recover your data from as any new data written to the drive has the high possibility of overwriting any lost or corrupted data.

RIA Now will not write data to your hard drive and has safeguards built into the software that will aide in protecting your drive from further damage. That being said, if the drive has been found to be damaged by either a surface scan [Windows Surface Scanner] or other means and if your data is important to you, it is imperative that a data recovery specialist team be employed to give you the optimum possibility of recovering your data. DTI Data Inc. is such a company and with its many years of service to the community can offer a professional helping hand to get your data back for you. DTI Data is your friend in the data recovery community and can be counted on to do everything to ensure a successful recovery.

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Installing Software

After the software is purchased the file will be saved to your hard drive as ‘’. Extract the zip file and then double click on this executable and the installation sequence will commence. Once completed the, software can now be executed from the ‘Start’ menu as any other software product.

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Software Initialization

Upon starting the software the application immediately queries your system for any and all physical devices. These devices include installed hard drives, USB drives, thumb drives, and any other physical device that is considered a block storage device. The DVD drives are not queried and therefore eliminated from the search.

During the query of the physical devices there may be some stalling or perhaps the software will seem to ‘hang’. This action can be the result of drives that have gone into a hibernation mode and take a few moments to bring online, or there is a possibility that one of the drives the software is querying has damage to the internals and is causing slow reads. If this is the case then the drive needs to be checked out with a surface scanner before any recovery is started. DTI Data offers a Windows Surface Scanner at no charge to its software purchasers.

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Screen Description

Screen Description


Function Buttons
Function buttons are the center to the recovery of a hard drives data. Consider each button a tool in a very sophisticated tool box for use in restoring your lost data to you.

Device/Volume List
Upon initialization the following hard drive and physical device list is created. This list consists of the physical device which are listed in green, and any file system volumes [blue] that may have been mounted during the initialization process.

Device/Volume Description
A comprehensive description of the currently highlighted hard drive or volume. This display offers a clearer description to the user in order to help them make a decision as to which device they wish to recover.

Status Message Bar
This simple bar display progress messages as well as any difficulties that may have occurred during the recovery process. Strict attention should be paid to this display as there is usually some type of message that pertains to the current state of your recovery.
Informational and Progress Fields
During the recovery phase these informational fields offer a second by second of either the recovery or the copying of the found data. It is the visual rendering of the internal processing of the software and offers a clear and concise representation of the data flow.

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Simple Recovery

Simple Recovery

Although each recovery is unique unto its self and can offer its own set of hurdles to overcome there is a general flow of recovery that can be used in most cases. By following these few simple steps it is possible that you will in fact receive a full recovery and no other method will need to be used in order to find and copy your data.

Step 1.
Look at the Device/Volume List and find which volume listed in blue that you wish to recover your data from. When you find that volume double click on it. The software will immediately query the volume on the hard drive and compile a list of all files and folders that can be found.

Step 2.
Once the list is compiled you will be given a tab on the top of the device list window that will display the folder and file hierarchy of all of the data found during the recovery scan. Once finished you will be taken to a display that will show you each of the folders and files recovered.

File Recovery Software

Step 3.

Follow the instructions in the ‘Copying Files’ portion of this documentation to quickly recover your lost data

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Scanned Recovery

Scanned Recovery

There are times when the initialization process will not be able to resolve critical damage to the file system. The causes for this are numerous but can consist of viruses, hardware glitches, application software, and malware just to name a few. In instances like this there will more than likely not be a volume listed for the physical device in the Device/Volume List.

In order for the software to create a list of possible volumes a scan of the entire physical device must be done. In order to accomplish this, the following steps should be taken.

Step 1.
In the Device/Volume Device list [Figure 1] choose the physical device [green] you wish to scan.

Step 2.
On the Function Button bar click on “Scan Physical Device”. This will immediately begin a scan of the entire drive and may take anywhere from one and one half hours to eight hours depending upon the size of the drive as well as any damage that may currently causing the drive to read slowly.

Step 3.

Once the scan is finished a list of all possible volumes will have been displayed under the physical device you chose to scan. In order to populate the folder tree and file list double click on the volume that you believe is the one housing your data and a display [Figure 2] will give results.

Finally, if the scan is taking an extraordinary amount of time to complete, and or no volume list was created then there may be serious physical, or file system damage on your hard drive. It is at this time that a data recovery specialist team should be employed if your data is valuable to you. DTI Data Inc. offers several comprehensive methods of recovery for even the most stubborn of situations. Give them a call (727)345-9665 and speak to a data recovery specialist to help you on your way to a safe and full recovery.

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Copying Files

Copying Files

Data Recovery Software


In Figure 3 we see that folder and file hierarchy for this particular recovery. In this example the client wants to recovery all of the data in the ‘Emoji PNG’ folder. It is a simple matter of clicking the check box to the left of the folder name. Once this is done all child files and folders will be marked for copying. If there are certain files and folders that you do not want to copy such as in the example ‘Image Set Five’ then simply click on the check box to the left of the name and all child folders and files will be unchecked.

Once you have marked all of the data you wish to copy simply click on the button ‘Copy Marked Data’ located on the button bar [Figure 1].

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Search for Data

Searching for Data

Ultimately there will be some occasions where the recovery of a single file will be sufficient to complete a recovery. A situation along the lines of a single Quick Books file, an Outlook PST file, or something as extensive as a single database file that houses an entire client base. In addition, the hard drive itself may be on a slippery slope to where reading from it will become an impossibility. For these situations the ‘Search Files’ function [Figure 1] offers a solution to precisely carve out a particular file with a minimum amount of access to the hard drive.

Deleted File Recovery


Button Bar
The button bar offers the set of functions used to search for and copy the required data. ‘Begin File Search’, ‘Mark All Found Files’, ‘Exit File Search’ are all very self-explanatory. It is ‘Copy All Marked Files’ and ‘Terminate Search’ that need explanation.

‘Terminate Search’ allows the user to stop a search before it is completed. This might be used in the case of the client seeing their file immediately or the search parameters may be too wide and need to be narrowed a bit. In these cases the user just clicks on the ‘Terminate Search’ button, they will be presented with a Message Box asking them if in fact that is what they wish to do and the current search process will be terminated.
‘Copy All Marked Files’ is exactly as stated but some explanation is necessary as to the processing of the files. Upon clicking the button the user will be presented with a destination folder choose dialog box. Simply click on the folder for the files to be copied too and begin the copy. Each file will then be copied and unmarked from the list of found files.

File Extension Filter
In order to hone in on a particular file type this function allows for the entry of file extensions to bring the list size to something manageable. The format is simply the file extender as exhibited in Figure 4 the red rectangle. For multiple extensions a separator of a semi-colon is used between each extender. No spaces are necessary just the semi-colon. In Figure 4 files with the extender ‘pdf’ and ‘exe’ are to be included in the search.

Filtering Manager
In order to tell the search function which filters to use a check box is located next to the filter type. The manager can be found bounded by the blue rectangle. In Figure 4 we can see that the Date and Size filter have been indicated for usage.

Date Filter
Outlined by the green rectangle the date filter offers the user the ability to screen the search by a spread of dates. The top date is the date to use for the beginning of the search, the bottom date of course is the last date of the file. The date used is the ‘Modified’ date of the file. It is to be noted that the dates are inclusive not exclusive of the start and end parameters. In the example in Figure 4 all files from January 1, 2011, to January 1, 2013 will be included in the filter.

Size Filter
Presented with the dark gray outline the file size filter allows the user to make sure that a certain file of a certain size is presented in the search. There are many times that the file size is known in general terms, especially database files, and this filter allows for the masking of any files outside those parameters. For many programs there are example files that have the same extender and may clutter the search, using the size function allows the user to filter those out.

Data Recount
Simply stated this is the total files found and the size of those files in bytes. This is represented by the purple rectangle.

Duplicate File Names
There will be many occasions where there is more than one file with the same name. This can occur for many reasons. Primarily files that have been deleted and then recreated will show in the file system as duplicate. There will be times where the same file has been saved in several different folders and will cause duplicate file names. RIA Now handles this by saving the duplicate file with a number appended to the end of the file name, not the extender. As an example, in Figure 4 in the light gray rectangle we see the file ‘Message Report.pdf’ listed twice. When copied to the folder the files will be shown as ‘Message Report.pdf’ and ‘Message Report[1].pdf’. The extender remains intact only the file name itself is updated.

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Forensic Scan

Forensic Scan



DTI Data has received thousands of calls and emails over the years that describe a data situation that leads one to believe that there is corrupted data or some type of data anomaly caused by physical damage to the hard drive components. These anomalies are such that they do not present themselves in an easily identifiable manner and many times can only be resolved by looking at each and every one of the files on an individual basis. For many clients this type of verification can be tedious at best and mind numbingly fruitless is application.

With that being said DTI Data has designed a method within RIA Now that offers a quick and easy solution to find the vast majority of corrupted data without the painstaking ‘one file at a time’ methodology. The following is a concise, step by step method for addressing such a situation.

Step 1. Using Speed Clone for Windows make an image of the hard drive in question. This cloning allows for Speed Clone to map the bad sectors into the image so that they become easier to spot and ultimately aggregate in each file.

Step 2. Using the ‘Open Image’ function in RIA Now, load the image into the ‘Connected Devices’ list. Once this has been accomplished follow the steps for finding valid partitions outlines in either the Scanned recovery or the Simple Recovery.

Step 3. Once you have the Volume you want analyzed recognized use the ‘Forensic Scan’ button on the main display of RIA now to invoke that function. Figure 5 clearly shows the ‘Forensic Scan’ screen. In order to ‘evaluate’ a drive just use the ‘Begin Forensic scan’ button. RIA Now will now scan every file listed in the current mounted volume and evaluate each file for possibly corrupted files. Figure 5 shows the list of files that have been found on this particular volume that have corrupted data in them. Depending upon the total files and the size of the files that scan could take as long as four to six hours. It is best to let the scan complete.

Most of Figure 5 is self-explanatory but there are a few areas that need some brief explanation.

Button Save File List
This will allow the user to save a list of all of the corrupted files found to a file that can be shared with technicians, clients, or simply archived.

Bad Sectors Display
The number associated with this columnar heading describes how many bad sectors were found in this particular file. Clearly, the higher the number the more corrupt the file is.

Step 4. Once the list has been created it is time to find the files that are important to you and see if they may have some corruption. ‘Exit Forensic Scan’ in order to get back to the main screen menu. From this menu use the ‘Search Files’ function to find the files you are interested in. As an example, if you have a spread sheet that you absolutely must have simply type ‘xls’ in the mask field and ‘Begin File Search’. You will see a standard display, however and file that has been found to be corrupted will be highlighted in red. You may then follow the copy procedures to test the file. In this case read the file with Microsoft Excel and see if in fact the file is corrupt.

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Over the course of many years in the business there are a few challenges that show up on a regular basis. The following is just a few of these and the method used by RIA Now to recover the data.

Deleted Files
One of if not ‘the’ most common complaint for data loss is the accidental or malicious deleting of data. In these cases a simple recover can be used to find the deleted files. Once found simply copy the data off and begin restoring the data.

Drive Needs to be Formatted
This is usually because either the Partition Marker, and or the Volume Marker have been lost. Follow the steps to do a ‘Scan’ and mount the Volumes that can be found. Use the procedure to ‘Copy’ your data onto another hard drive.

Drive hangs or locks up Windows
This is normally a sign of either a damaged drive or a drive that is on its way out. In this case it is best to call a data recovery specialist in order to help ensure that your data has the highest possibility of recovery.

Drive has been restored
There are two types of restore, first is the function to restore a system to a ‘restore point’. Although this may or may not lose data there is a possibility that something may be missing. Use the ‘Simple Restore’ method to recover your data.

If the ‘Restore to Manufacturer Settings’ has been used then normally all data is lost. There are some methods that may be employed to recover some fragments of data but a data recovery expert should be employed to aide you.

Chkdsk has been run
Of all of the Microsoft tools this is probably the most destructive. Chkdsk by its very nature is designed to align the file system so that the volume can be mounted. If that means deleting inodes and renaming them to file fragments Chkdsk will do just that. Chkdsk is not a file data recovery tool, but a file system alignment tool and can wreak havoc on even the most benign file system anomaly.

The ‘Scan Physical Device’ function offers the most comprehensive method for dealing with drives that have had Chkdsk run on them.

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Technical Support

Technical Support

For software support or other data recovery needs, please contact us:

Toll-Free Phone Number




DTI Data, Inc.

1155 Pasadena Ave S

Suite H

South Pasadena, FL 33707

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