Home cloud server have become a significant player in the world of offline storage. With some of the companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon it has become commonplace for almost anyone to have their own little piece of the cloud. With that being said, there are normally size limitations with free cloud usage and if you […]

RAID Data Recovery – Identifying Proper Alignment
When questioning a prospective client it is always necessary, to the best of your ability, to identify the RAID type your prospective customer may have. It is also imperative that the technician doing the initial interview and diagnostic be aware that the client is more often than not unable and or unwilling to identify the […]

RAID Server Data Recovery – Server Data Loss Prevention
In today’s enterprise climate it is imperative that all client data be safeguarded from RAID Server Data Recovery, through backup facilities. This factor alone, if maintained properly, will offer an eighty percent solution to either avoiding or eliminating down time. In order to ensure the proper facilitation of backing up your server’s data the following […]