It is a matter of practice that most RAID recoveries involve simply piecing together the components of a particular RAID configuration to allow for the export or copying of all the data from the damaged or degraded RAID onto more reliable media. Whether it be a RAID 5, RAID 0, or RAID 10 it is […]

RAID 5 Data Recovery and Technical Support
The single most crucial moment in the recovery of data from any device is that small frame of time between the initial panic of data loss and the decision of what to do next. During those precious first moments is when most data recovery efforts are destroyed due to intervention from someone who has virtually […]

Software RAID Data Recovery – Technology Explanation
RAID technology in and of itself is an extremely complicated set of programming algorithms that allow for multiple drives to be presented as one entity. This technology has catapulted the information technology storage capabilities to include the bleeding edge cloud offsite data housing. With that being said, it is clear that a dedicated hardware setup […]