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Simple Recovery

Although each recovery is unique unto its self and can offer its own set of hurdles to overcome there is a general flow of recovery that can be used in most cases. By following these few simple steps it is possible that you will in fact receive a full recovery and no other method will need to be used in order to find and copy your data.

Step 1.
Look at the Device/Volume List and find which volume listed in blue that you wish to recover your data from. When you find that volume double click on it. The software will immediately query the volume on the hard drive and compile a list of all files and folders that can be found.

Step 2.
Once the list is compiled you will be given a tab on the top of the device list window that will display the folder and file hierarchy of all of the data found during the recovery scan. Once finished you will be taken to a display that will show you each of the folders and files recovered.

File Recovery Software

Step 3.

Follow the instructions in the ‘Copying Files’ portion of this documentation to quickly recover your lost data

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