I am asked all the time how or why DTI Data Recovery offers free Microsoft Exchange Server support. Most people can understand why we offer free support on our demo data recovery software because we want people to buy our products, but we don’t sell Exchange Server or software to repair it.
Free Exchange Server Phone Support
Whenever a seasoned Internet user sees the word “free” they usually are looking for the hook. We all know that there is so much garbage, spam, scams, etc. out there that we are very wary of any free offers. The fact is that DTI does offer free technical support on all versions of Microsoft Exchange Server.
The deal is pretty simple. We will help as much as possible over the phone pointing out the proper ways to perform an Exchange disaster recovery or restore from a backup. If an engineer has to remote into your system to perform recovery of your Exchange server there is a fee. If we need to gain access of your corrupt or damaged PRIV, PRIV1, PUB or PUB1 edb or stm files we charge for data recovery of the Exchange database and the conversion of the mailboxes into pst files.I
am always asked “why do we offer extensive phone support for free?” Well it is my experience that in most cases where Microsoft utilities like ESEUTIL and ISINTEG have failed, restoration of a backup file is the only viable option. The problem for so many callers is their backups aren’t current or are corrupted. That means that they are either going to accept that their email is gone or are going to send their databases to us or an Exchange Server Data Recovery Company like us. The fact is there really aren’t many data recovery companies that perform Exchange Server recovery the way we do, which is at the hex level.
We literally take the database down to the bytes, repairing the corrupted PRIV PRIV1 edb to the point wehre we can convert the mailboxes to PST files. We also guarantee the data recovery. Unless you have requested expedited service there are no charges unless we recover the data and give you back PST files that have working attachments, contacts calanders, etc. If we get an edb file that hasn’t had ESEUTIL or ISINTEG run on it there is virtually no data loss for our client.
Make a copy of your priv.edb and log files (Exchange 5.5) or priv1.edb and stream files (Exchange 2000 or 2003) and pub.edb! We can recover your email if you make copies prior to running utilities. DO NOT run MS utilities!!!
We offer 24 hour Exchange Support at 727-345-9665.
The point here is DTI is a full service data recovery company. Most of the Exchange clients we have or that have called the 24 hour support line, are network companies that have many clients themselves. By offering free support, quality service, and a no fix no fee data guarantee, most people are going to send their future data recovery business to us, knowing our level of support is second to none in the industry. DTI can recover anything from a laptop hard disk to a multi-drive RAID 50 Array.
The same is true of IT staffs within a large corporation, who are they going to trust with their data recovery or Exchange restoration? The company that gave them support at 3 AM on a Sunday.
Free Data Recovery Software Phone Support
DTI Data Recovery creates all their software in-house. That means that the programmers that created all of our file recovery, partition repair, undelete and data recovery software all work in our labs. Having the actual programmers there to train and demonstrate to our support staff means that DTI has the most well trained phone support staff in the world! All the software technicians have used our data recovery products many times themselves, they have run into all of the most common data loss problems.
DTI offers free support on our demo software, purchased software and even on our free data recovery software! All of our software shows you your data before you buy!
Extended Software Support:
8 AM to 11 PM EST 7days a week!
Toll Free 1-866-438-6932 or direct 1-727-345-9665.
If you need Exchange Server support, hard disk physical recovery support or data recovery software support, contact DTI, we go further in helping people than anybody else.
I have the pub1.edb and pub1.stm files on a server that was SBS2003. Now I have another NEW SBS2003 server where now I want to take the public folders database and add it to the NEW sbs2003 server. can you help.
Do you have a utility that will read an MS Exchange 5.5 pub.edb file and convert it to .pst or soemthing readable?