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Recovery It All Professional and Windows 7 File System

 jacquiblogSo what exactly does Recover It All work on? It works with Fat 16, Fat 32, NTFS 4 and NTFS 5. In normal not geek speak that means it will work on any file system from Windows 95 thru Windows 7. It will only actually RUN in Windows 2k and higher. Recover It All is powerful data recovery software!

So with that being said I receive a bunch of calls with people asking if it will work in and on Windows 7. The reason for this call a lot of times is that when you run the software in both Windows Vista and Windows 7 the drives installed in the system are not displayed in the software.

The reason for this is that Recover It All makes a low level call to the hard drive in order to talk to it for data recovery purposes. When software is not installed, but rather just run from an EXE file Windows Vista and Windows & do not like this. Inorder to display the drives properly you need to right click on the exe file (demo or FULL version) and “Run As Administrator”.


The next thing people usually say is, “I am logged in as the admin!” I understand that and again it is a security function of Windows that says if a piece of software wants that kind of access to your data you are going to have to tell me that it is ok FOR SURE.

If you are still having problems getting the drives to display properly I would check and be sure you are logged in as an admin.

I hope this clears up the confusion and if you have any questions please feel free to give me a call 727.345.9665


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