Recover It Now is a service offered by DTIData to try to save our customers time and money. In most cases we can put the drive back in to the state it was in before the failure happened. This saves time because you will not have to transfer the data off of the drive, make […]
Hard Drive Recovery Prices
One of the most asked questions is “how much does hard drive recovery cost”? It totally depends on the situation. To understand hard drive recovery prices, you have to understand the different types of services. When you have a problem with your hard drive, it could be anything from a damaged mechanical part of the […]
Remote Logical Hard Drive Recovery
I have over the past few years had customers with hard drives that I knew I could fix their problem easily if I just had access to the drive. In these situations I will usually offer the customer a logical recovery, which entails them sending us the hard drive, us getting it, and then we […]